Stakes Is High Double Vinyl is by De La Soul. Now available from Vinyl Records Manchester on sale in stock and in a brand new condition priced at only £26 + delivery. Stakes is High was critically lauded for its music, lyricism, and its overallmessage concerning the artistic decline rap music began to face in the mid90s.The title track and first single was produced byJDillaand the albums secondsingle, Itzsoweezee HOT, with only Dave on vocals, was accompanied by acreative music video. The album spawned a third single 4 More, featuringZhane.The album did provide a launching pad for future star rappers and actorsMosDef, who appeared on the track Big Brother Beat andCommonwho is featuredon The Bizness.. Vinyl Double High Is Hit the Read More Button, for more track details and delivery information.
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