A Life In Colour Vinyl T-Shirt is by Andreya Triana. Now available from Vinyl Records Manchester on sale in stock and in a brand new condition priced at only £23 + delivery. Life In Colour is Andreya Trianas third studio album, and her most personal to date. Mainly recorded in London, the album is a solid reflection on womanhood and femininity, and is a celebration of independence, love and empowerment.Speaking about the album, Triana saysLife In Colour is a metaphor for letting go of societal and personal limitations and stepping into my womanhood. Creating a space of creative freedom, full of colour and energy to empower myself.I had a lot of fun making this album, which I think is reflected in the music its definitely my most upbeat album so far I hope it encourages as many people as possible to be their best selves and to live their Life In Colour. Life In Colour is available to preorder now, on both CD and Vinyl.TRACKLISTING1.WOMAN2. I Give You My Heart3. Broke4. Freedom5. How Deep My Love Goes6. Do That For You7. Beautiful People8. Dance The Pain Away9. Something Real10. Im Already Home11. Its Gonna Be Alright. T-Shirt Vinyl Colour In Life Hit the Read More Button, for more track details and delivery information.