Sundiver CD Shimmer Vinyl Cassette 2 Slipmats 3 Zines is by Boston Manor. Now available from Vinyl Records Manchester on sale in stock and in a brand new condition priced at only £95 + delivery. CDDatura DawnContainerSliding DoorsHEAT ME UPHorses In A DreamMorning StarWhy I SleepFornixDissolveWhat Is Taken, Will Never Be LostDC Mini Feat. HeriotCassette VinylA1 Datura DawnA2 ContainerA3 Sliding DoorsA4 HEAT ME UPA5 Horses In A DreamA6 Morning StarB1 Why I SleepB2 FornixB3 DissolveB4 What Is Taken, Will Never Be LostB5 DC Mini Feat. Heriot. Zines 3 Slipmats 2 Cassette Vinyl Shimmer CD Hit the Read More Button, for more track details and delivery information.