3 Feet High And Rising Black Vinyl Blue Cassette is by De La Soul. Now available from Vinyl Records Manchester on sale in stock and in a brand new condition priced at only £40 + delivery. The album title came from the Johnny Cash song Five Feet High and Rising. It islisted on Rolling Stones 200 Essential Rock Records and The Sources 100 Best RapAlbums. When Village Voice held its annual Jazz amp Pop Critics Poll for 1989, 3 FeetHigh and Rising was ranked 1. It was also listed on the Rolling Stones The 500Greatest Albums of All Time. Released amid the 1989 boom in gangsta rap, whichgravitated towards hardcore, confrontational, violent lyrics, De La Souls uniquelypositive style made them an oddity beginning with the first single, Me, Myself andI. Their positivity meant many observers labeled them a hippie group, based of their declaration of the D.A.I.S.Y. Age Da. Inner. Soul. Yall.Sampling artists as diverse as Hall amp Oates, Steely Dan and The Turtles, 3 Feet Highand Rising is often viewed as the stylistic beginning of 1990s alternative hip hop and especially jazz rap.An absolutely essential slice of Hip Hop history thats been unavailable for some time.. Cassette Blue Vinyl Black Rising And High Feet Hit the Read More Button, for more track details and delivery information.