XXV Gathering Yellow & Orange Double Vinyl Double LP is by Killing Joke. Now available from Vinyl Records Manchester on sale in stock and in a brand new condition priced at only £29 + delivery. Killing Joke, the iconic postpunk band known for their dark and influential sound, reissue a their live album XXV Gathering Originally released in 2005, the album captures the raw energy and intensity of Killing Jokes live performances. The reissue features photos by Tony Woolliscroft and liner notes by Jaz Coleman.Including classics Wardance, Requiem and Love Like Blood this limited edition release is a musthave for fans of Killing Joke and collectors of classic postpunk and alternative rock. XXV Gathering was recorded during Killing Jokes 25th anniversary celebration, which saw the band perform a series of soldout shows across Europe.. LP Double Vinyl Double Orange & Yellow Gathering Hit the Read More Button, for more track details and delivery information.