Kissing Death Half Red Half Black With Splatter Vinyl is by Mothica. Now available from Vinyl Records Manchester on sale in stock and in a brand new condition priced at only £26 + delivery. Death is an uncomfortable topic that most people avoid thinking about, but MOTHICA decides to dance with it. Vulnerably, she laments her personal battles with depression, addiction, suicidal ideation, processing her pain with lush soundscapes underpinned by funereal keys, heart thumping hard rock guitars, and disarmingly catchy moments of pop catharsis.After amassing hundreds of millions of streams and earning acclaim from the likes of Billboard, MTV, Teen Vogue, Buzzfeed, Alt Press, and more, she dives deeper into her powerful story with an audiovisual experience for her third album, KISSING DEATH, released through her own imprint Heavy Heart Records partnering with Rise RecordsBMG.Tracklisting TBA.. Vinyl Splatter With Black Half Red Half Death Hit the Read More Button, for more track details and delivery information.