My Arms Your Hearse Transparent Violet Double Vinyl is by Opeth. Now available from Vinyl Records Manchester on sale in stock and in a brand new condition priced at only £39.99 + delivery. Abbey Rd Half Speed Master. There are few bands that can or will match Swedens Opeth. Since forming in the tiny Stockholm suburb of Bandhagen in 1990, the Swedes have eclipsed convention, defiantly crushed the odds, and, most importantly, crafted 12 stunningly beautiful, intrinsically intense albums to become one of the best bands on the planet.My Arms Your Hearseis the bands 3rd album, a full conceptual piece with each track blending seamlessly into the next from start to finish to give the impression of an hour long suite, and was a contender for album of the year in 1997 with many publications when it was first released.. Vinyl Double Violet Transparent Hearse Your Arms Hit the Read More Button, for more track details and delivery information.