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Prince – For You Lovesexy Come Batman Music From Graffiti Bridge Vinyl

SKU: 35959399646
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For You Lovesexy Come Batman Music From Graffiti Bridge Vinyl is by Prince. Now available from Vinyl Records Manchester on sale in stock and in a brand new condition priced at only £140 + delivery. For YouPrinces debut album, released in April 1978, marked the arrival of a heavyweight talent on the music scene. At just 18 years old, Prince Rogers Nelson wrote, performed, arranged and produced the entire album with the exception of a cowrite on singleSoft And Wet .LovesexyPrinces 1988 followup to his masterpiece double LP,Sign O The Times, saw him recycle some of the material that had originally been intended for the illfatedCrystal BallandBlack Albumalbums, and repurposed here along with additional material. Features the smash hit singleAlphabet Street .ComeBy 1994, Prince had changed his name to Love Symbol, and his relationship with lifelong label Warner Bros. Records was under great strain, andComewas just one of several albums that Prince delivered in quick succession to release himself from his contractual commitments. Despite a lack of support from The Artist, the album reached Number One in the UK.BatmanComing off the back of the expensive Lovesexy Tour, Prince needed to replenish his coffers and agreed to record nine original songs forTim Burtons box office smash movie, Batman, starring Michael Keaton, Jack Nicholson and Kim Basinger. The 1989 album was a huge success, and featured hit singlesBatdance andPartyman , as well asScandalous .Music From Graffiti BridgeWith the followup to the hugely successful Batman soundtrack album, Prince returned with yet another soundtrack album in 1991, this time featuring songs from his selfdirected movie Graffiti Bridge. Features the hit Prince singleThieves In The Temple , plus the Princeproduced Tevin Campbell single,Round And Round.. Vinyl Bridge Graffiti From Music Batman Come Lovesexy You Hit the Read More Button, for more track details and delivery information.