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rEDOLENT – dinny greet Transparent Blue Vinyl T-Shirt 12″ Print

SKU: 37082745035
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dinny greet Transparent Blue Vinyl T-Shirt 12″ Print is by rEDOLENT. Now available from Vinyl Records Manchester on sale in stock and in a brand new condition priced at only £50.99 + delivery. Led by brothers Danny and Robin Herbert, with Andrew Turnbull on drums, Robbie White on bass, and Alice Hancock on live samplers and backing vocals, rEDOLENT are gearing up for 2024, focusing on their upcoming debut album. Their debut LP marks a moment of the band taking control while confident in their warped take on the world, offering harsh reality and joyous escapism over the course of ten sleek, considered tracks.A1. dinny greetA2. jUST tRYING tO rELAXA3. nothing bad will ever happen to meA4. RavvyA5. 5 day til the weekendB1. congratulations for getting off the drinkB2. How are you making it look so easy OshieTB3. Dunno B4. wHEREverB5. Yaldi. Print 12″ T-Shirt Vinyl Blue Transparent greet Hit the Read More Button, for more track details and delivery information.