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Temps – Party Gator Purgatory Neon Pink & Green Double Vinyl

SKU: 35200810143
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Party Gator Purgatory Neon Pink & Green Double Vinyl is by Temps. Now available from Vinyl Records Manchester on sale in stock and in a brand new condition priced at only £30 + delivery. Temps is a 40strong international music collective, consisting of artists across multiple genres, fronted by a cartoon alligator.Featuring such geniuses as Quelle Chris, John Dieterich, Joana Gomila, Laia Vallegraves and Seb Rochford, Temps tentrack debut PARTY GATOR PURGATORY was produced, curated and devised by UK standup comedian James Acaster. Released via Bella Union, this mindbending opus rose from the ashes of an aborted mockumentary made with Louis Therouxs money.Vast in scope and scale, and fizzing with an experimental energy, the trippy PARTY GATOR PURGATORY manages to blend a host of ideas, guests and moods into an album that draws you into its own unique world.I became completely obsessed with this project, states Acaster as he handdraws the albums artwork himself, using a trio of highlighter pens,it was all Ifocussed on for two years and we ended up making my favourite thing ever. I hope people enjoy it. . Vinyl Double Green & Pink Neon Purgatory Gator Hit the Read More Button, for more track details and delivery information.

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