Time was GIGANTIC… When we were kids Double Heavyweight Vinyl is by The Durutti Column. Now available from Vinyl Records Manchester on sale in stock and in a brand new condition priced at only £27 + delivery. It sounds so sweet Reillys shimmering guitar spinning merry cartwheels behind Eley Rudges angelic Harriet Wheeler warble, or basking lazily in pools of ambient calm. Its a smooth as porcelain, as mannered as a lily pond and as forgettable as your last breath. NMEFor the very first time on vinyl, the 25th Anniversary edition of Time Was GIGANTIChellip When we were kids by The Durutti Column featuresExpanded artwork by original designers 8voNew liner notes by James Nice5 bonus tracks of raritiesDouble heavyweight 180gm vinyl. Vinyl Heavyweight Double kids were we When GIGANTIC… was Hit the Read More Button, for more track details and delivery information.